generic room (#3)(an instance of Root Class made by The_Mayor)VERB SOURCE CODE: confunc: this:look_self(player.brief); this:announce(, " has connected."); . disfunc: fork (300) if ((((valid(player) && (!(player in connected_players()))) && ((player.last_connect_time + 300) < time())) && (this != player.home)) && (player.location != player.home)) fork (0) "This is forked so that it's protected from aborts due to errors in the player's :moveto verb."; if (player.location != player.home) move(player, $player_start); endif endfork start = player.location; player:moveto(player.home); if (player.location != start) start:announce("A gang of youths charge in, grab ",, ", and quickly drag ", player.po, " out of sight."); endif if (player.location == player.home) player.home:announce("A gang of youths drag ",, " in and roughly deposit ", player.po, ". They rummage around on ", player.pp, " body for a bit then run off."); endif endif endfork this:announce(, " has disconnected."); . say: player:tell("You say, \"", argstr, "\""); this:announce(, " says, \"", argstr, "\""); . emote: if ((argstr != "") && (argstr[1] == ":")) this:announce_all(, argstr[2..length(argstr)]); else this:announce_all(, " ", argstr); endif . announce: for dude in (setremove(this:contents(), player)) dude:tell(@args); endfor . match_exit: what = args[1]; if (what) yes = $failed_match; for e in (this.exits) if (valid(e) && (what in {, @e.aliases})) if (yes == $failed_match) yes = e; elseif (yes != e) return $ambiguous_match; endif endif endfor return yes; else return $nothing; endif . add_exit: set_task_perms(caller_perms()); return (this.exits = setadd(this.exits, args[1])) != E_PERM; . tell_contents: contents = args[1]; ctype = args[2]; if ((!this.dark) && (contents != {})) if (ctype == 0) player:tell("Contents:"); for thing in (contents) player:tell(" ", thing:title()); endfor elseif (ctype == 1) for thing in (contents) if (is_player(thing)) player:tell(thing:title(), " is here."); else player:tell("You see ", thing:title(), " here."); endif endfor elseif (ctype == 2) player:tell("You see ", $string_utils:title_list(contents), " here."); elseif (ctype == 3) players = things = {}; for x in (contents) if (is_player(x)) players = {@players, x}; else things = {@things, x}; endif endfor if (things) player:tell("You see ", $string_utils:title_list(things), " here."); endif if (players) player:tell($string_utils:title_listc(players), (length(players) == 1) ? " is" | " are", " here."); endif endif endif . @exits: if (!$perm_utils:controls(valid(caller_perms()) ? caller_perms() | player, this)) player:tell("Sorry, only the owner of a room may list its exits."); elseif (this.exits == {}) player:tell("This room has no conventional exits."); else for exit in (this.exits) player:tell(, " (", exit, ") leads to ", valid(exit.dest) ? | "???", " (", exit.dest, ") via {", $string_utils:from_list(exit.aliases, ", "), "}."); endfor endif . look_self: player:tell(this:title()); if (!(args && args[1])) pass(); endif this:tell_contents(setremove(this:contents(), player), this.ctype); this:tell_exits(); . acceptable: what = args[1]; return this:is_unlocked_for(what) && (((this.free_entry || ((what == this.blessed_object) && (task_id() == this.blessed_task))) || (what.owner == this.owner)) || ((typeof(this.residents) == LIST) && (what in this.residents))); . add_entrance: set_task_perms(caller_perms()); return (this.entrances = setadd(this.entrances, args[1])) != E_PERM; . bless_for_entry: if (caller in this.entrances) this.blessed_object = args[1]; this.blessed_task = task_id(); endif . @entrances: if (!$perm_utils:controls(valid(caller_perms()) ? caller_perms() | player, this)) player:tell("Sorry, only the owner of a room may list its entrances."); elseif (this.entrances == {}) player:tell("This room has no conventional entrances."); else for exit in (this.entrances) player:tell(, " (", exit, ") comes from ", valid(exit.source) ? | "???", " (", exit.source, ") via {", $string_utils:from_list(exit.aliases, ", "), "}."); endfor endif . go: if ((!args) || (!(dir = args[1]))) player:tell("You need to specify a direction."); return E_INVARG; elseif (valid(exit = player.location:match_exit(dir))) exit:invoke(); if (length(args) > 1) "Now give objects in the room we just passed through a chance to act."; suspend(0); player.location:go(@listdelete(args, 1)); endif elseif (exit == $failed_match) player:tell("You can't go that way (", dir, ")."); else player:tell("I don't know which direction `", dir, "' you mean."); endif . l*ook: if ((dobjstr == "") && (!prepstr)) this:look_self(); elseif ((prepstr != "in") && (prepstr != "on")) if ((!dobjstr) && (prepstr == "at")) dobjstr = iobjstr; iobjstr = ""; else dobjstr = dobjstr + (prepstr && ((dobjstr && " ") + prepstr)); dobjstr = dobjstr + (iobjstr && ((dobjstr && " ") + iobjstr)); endif dobj = this:match_object(dobjstr); if (!$command_utils:object_match_failed(dobj, dobjstr)) dobj:look_self(); endif elseif (!iobjstr) player:tell(verb, " ", prepstr, " what?"); else iobj = this:match_object(iobjstr); if (!$command_utils:object_match_failed(iobj, iobjstr)) if (dobjstr == "") iobj:look_self(); elseif ((thing = iobj:match(dobjstr)) == $failed_match) player:tell("I don't see any \"", dobjstr, "\" ", prepstr, " ",, "."); elseif (thing == $ambiguous_match) player:tell("There are several things ", prepstr, " ",, " one might call \"", dobjstr, "\"."); else thing:look_self(); endif endif endif . announce_all: for dude in (this:contents()) dude:tell(@args); endfor . announce_all_but: text = listdelete(args, 1); contents = this:contents(); for l in (args[1]) contents = setremove(contents, l); endfor for listener in (contents) listener:tell(@text); endfor . enterfunc: object = args[1]; if (is_player(object)) player = object; this:look_self(player.brief); endif if (object == this.blessed_object) this.blessed_object = #-1; endif . exitfunc: return; . remove_exit: exit = args[1]; if (caller != exit) set_task_perms(caller_perms()); endif return (this.exits = setremove(this.exits, exit)) != E_PERM; . remove_entrance: exit = args[1]; if (caller != exit) set_task_perms(caller_perms()); endif return (this.entrances = setremove(this.entrances, exit)) != E_PERM; . @add-exit: set_task_perms(player); if (!dobjstr) player:tell("Usage: @add-exit @add-entrance: set_task_perms(player); if (!dobjstr) player:tell("Usage: @add-entrance recycle: "Make a mild attempt to keep people and objects from ending up in #-1 when people recycle a room"; if ((caller == this) || $perm_utils:controls(caller_perms(), this)) "... first try spilling them out onto the floor of enclosing room if any"; if (valid(this.location)) for x in (this.contents) x:moveto(this.location); endfor endif "... try sending them home..."; for x in (this.contents) if (is_player(x)) if ((typeof(x.home) == OBJ) && valid(x.home)) x:moveto(x.home); endif if (x.location == this) move(x, $player_start); endif elseif (valid(x.owner)) x:moveto(x.owner); endif endfor pass(@args); else return E_PERM; endif . e east w west s south n north ne northeast nw northwest se southeast sw southwest u up d down: exit = this:match_exit(verb); if (valid(exit)) exit:invoke(); elseif (exit == $failed_match) player:tell("You can't go that way."); else player:tell("I don't know which direction `", verb, "' you mean."); endif . @eject @eject! @eject!!: set_task_perms(player); if ($command_utils:object_match_failed(dobj, dobjstr)) return; elseif (dobj.location != this) player:tell(, "(", dobj, ") is not here."); return; elseif (!$perm_utils:controls(player, this)) player:tell("You are not the owner of this room."); return; elseif (dobj.wizard) player:tell("Sorry, you can't ", verb, " a wizard."); dobj:tell(, " tried to ", verb, " you."); return; endif iobj = this; player:tell(this:ejection_msg()); this:((verb == "@eject") ? "eject" | "eject_basic")(dobj); if (verb != "@eject!!") dobj:tell(this:victim_ejection_msg()); endif this:announce_all_but({player, dobj}, this:oejection_msg()); . ejection_msg oejection_msg victim_ejection_msg: return $string_utils:pronoun_sub(this.(verb)); . accept_for_abode: who = args[1]; return (valid(who) && ((this.free_home || $perm_utils:controls(who, this)) || ((typeof(residents = this.residents) == LIST) ? who in this.residents | (who == this.residents)))) && this:acceptable(who); . @resident*s: if (!$perm_utils:controls(player, this)) player:tell("You must own this room to manipulate the legal residents list. Try contacting ",, "."); else if (typeof(this.residents) != LIST) this.residents = {this.residents}; endif if (!dobjstr) "First, remove !valid objects from this room..."; for x in (this.residents) if (!valid(x)) player:tell("Warning: removing ", x, ", an invalid object, from the residents list."); this.residents = setremove(this.residents, x); endif endfor player:tell("Allowable residents in this room: ", $string_utils:english_list($list_utils:map_prop(this.residents, "name"), "no one"), "."); return; elseif (dobjstr[1] == "!") notflag = 1; dobjstr = dobjstr[2..length(dobjstr)]; else notflag = 0; endif result = $string_utils:match_player_or_object(dobjstr); if (!result) return; else "a one element list was returned to us if it won."; result = result[1]; if (notflag) if (!(result in this.residents)) player:tell(, " doesn't appear to be in the residents list of ",, "."); else this.residents = setremove(this.residents, result); player:tell(, " removed from the residents list of ",, "."); endif else if (result in this.residents) player:tell(, " is already an allowed resident of ",, "."); else this.residents = {@this.residents, result}; player:tell(, " added to the residents list of ",, "."); endif endif endif endif . match: target = {@this:contents(), @this:exits()}; return $string_utils:match(args[1], target, "name", target, "aliases"); . @remove-exit: set_task_perms(player); if (!dobjstr) player:tell("Usage: @remove-exit @remove-entrance: set_task_perms(player); if (!dobjstr) player:tell("Usage: @remove-entrance moveto: if ((caller in {this, this.owner}) || $perm_utils:controls(caller_perms(), this)) return pass(@args); else return E_PERM; endif . who_location_msg: return (msg = this.(verb)) ? $string_utils:pronoun_sub(msg, args[1]) | ""; . exits entrances: if ((caller == this) || $perm_utils:controls(caller_perms(), this)) return this.(verb); else return E_PERM; endif . obvious_exits: "obvious_exits(FLAG)"; "FLAG=0 or not there - return all exits with .obvious>0"; "FLAG=1 - return all exits with .obvious=1"; "FLAG>=2 - return all exits with .obvious=2"; fl = 0; if (args) fl = args[1] ? (args[1] == 1) ? args[1] | 2 | 0; endif exits = {}; for exit in (this.exits) if ((ob = exit:obvious()) && ((!fl) || (ob == fl))) exits = setadd(exits, exit); endif endfor return exits; . here_huh: ":here_huh(verb,args) -- room-specific :huh processing. This should return 1 if it finds something interesting to do and 0 otherwise; see $command_utils:do_huh."; "For the generic room, we check for the case of the caller specifying an exit for which a corresponding verb was never defined."; set_task_perms(caller_perms()); if (args[2] || ($failed_match == (exit = this:match_exit(verb = args[1])))) "... okay, it's not an exit. we give up..."; return 0; elseif (valid(exit)) exit:invoke(); else "... ambiguous exit ..."; player:tell("I don't know which direction `", verb, "' you mean."); endif return 1; . room_announce*_all_but: this:(verb[6..length(verb)])(@args); . examine_commands_ok: return this == args[1].location; . examine_key: "examine_key(examiner)"; "return a list of strings to be told to the player, indicating what the key on this type of object means, and what this object's key is set to."; "the default will only tell the key to a wizard or this object's owner."; who = args[1]; if (((caller == this) && $perm_utils:controls(who, this)) && (this.key != 0)) return {tostr(this:title(), " will accept only objects matching the following key:"), tostr(" ", $lock_utils:unparse_key(this.key))}; endif . examine_contents: "examine_contents(who)"; if (caller == this) this:tell_contents(this.contents, this.ctype); endif . tell_exits: "displays exits with obvious = 1 to player, "; obexits_list = {}; for exit in (this:obvious_exits(1)) obexits_list = listappend(obexits_list, ( + " to ") +; endfor if (obexits_list && this.exit_display) player:tell("Obvious exits: " + $string_utils:english_list(obexits_list)); endif . description: "Adds on the exit integration messages, or :look_msg for each exit with .obvious=2. Adds a paragraph to the end of the description if it is a LIST of strings. Or tags onto the end if the description is a STR."; desc = (f = pass(@args)) ? f | "You see nothing special."; exmess = ""; for exit in (this:obvious_exits(2)) exmess = (exmess + this.look_sep_msg) + exit:look_msg(); endfor if ((typeof(desc) == STR) && exmess) desc = desc + exmess; elseif (exmess) desc[length(desc)] = tostr(desc[length(desc)] + exmess); endif return desc; . PROPERTY DATA:       who_location_msg       free_home       victim_ejection_msg       ejection_msg       oejection_msg       residents       free_entry       entrances       blessed_object       blessed_task       exits       dark       ctype       look_sep_msg       exit_display CHILDREN: Generic Editor River bank Zero Surface Cluttered Closet Crumbling Foundation Quonset Under The Rock Service Road North End of the Park riverrun The Disciple's Room Hovel mist filled cloud Z2 The Monkey House Z3 Somewhere lost Steps Camp Site Scorpion Nest East Jackson Treehouse Sanctuary The Annex The Lodge Maze maze maze maze maze maze maze The rusted hulk of Kerouac's Car. The Eye of Pan the shade Consumable Storage Room New York Flat The Abyss Drainage Ditch North Sanctuary Juxtaposition Cornea Little St. The Opium Den A Green Shade The Gymnasium Boy's Lockeroom footbridge BioLab coffing Burton's Bungalow nw grassy river bank Grassy River Bank Under the Ruins The Primal Chaos Square of Ruins The Barge topoi **Dj-CJ's Disco Tek** here mangrove Brian's Place Strap's Lockerroom allgemeiner Raum loft Forest Treehouse The Branches of Woody Willow Willow Grove Clearing Feline Forest Fox Terrace, Western side West Fox Terrace West Corner of The Park East Corner of The Park North Corner of The Park West Corner of The Park South Corner of The Park In the Pond a dark, unnamed alley Rhizome Myroom The Computer Screen A UNIX Directory TechnoTopia Axl's Mansion Heather's Haven Generic anonymous room Bathroom Training room Entrance Electric Godland generic integrating room thunk FirePlace Town Square TransPort Lobby Sea/Subterranean TransPort Aerospace TransPort TransPort Office Interdimensional TransPort Monorail TransPort Zariski Lighthouse Forest MedFaire Parking Lot Hotel Lobby Atrium Main Convention Hall Hotel Patio Changing Room/Showers Hot Tub here here Pool here Registration Homeless Shelter here Post Office Library Vestibule Government Street Government Street East Planning Office Police Station Prison Cell here West of Covenant Beach Covenant Beach here Northeast Covenant Beach King Street King Street Pebbly Walk Temple Entryway Administrative Concourse The Trash Bin Dark Tunnel Dark Tunnel Dark Tunnel Dark Tunnel Harv's Bargain Basement Sacrificial Pit Pit Ledge Moustapha's Auction Emporium Atop the Scaffold Crawlway King Street Shopping Center Intersection of King and Queen Streets Unicorn Point Unicorn Point Topiary Unicorn Point Gazebo Mountain Peak Midair Kiosk here Reference Room Encyclopedia Alcove Crowded Wooden Bridge here Under the Bridge here here Central Fairgrounds here Southern Fairgrounds here here here here Western Fairgrounds here here here here here Northern Fairgrounds here here Under Unicorn Point here here here here here here here here here here here here here here Crallway Corner here On the Ledge, Eastside On the Ledge, Northside On the Ledge, Southside here here here An Enigma A Dry Cave The Lotus Sunken TinyMUD Classic The Town Square The Temple of Arkteks-t'leep Junkpile THIS is the Rec Room!!!! In the Tub here here here here here here here Gully The Savior's Pad Sandbox goatpen Mina's Place Outside the Cave Sand Dune boardroom Marcus Garvey Tight Passageway Stopping Place Garden Underground Stomping Ground between a rock and a hard place Mom's Digs female dressing room Ground Floor Landing Second Floor Landing Hallway, Second Floor Third Floor Landing Hallway, Third Floor #19 Rich's Bungalo of Naughty Ideas 'Sweetheart's Room' The Greatest Deal A Big Spaceship The Ballroom Gene_Pool Indestructible_Object Arc The-Temple-of-Doom Generic Ambient Noise Room Stone Oasis Trans-Yuggothian Expressway Maid's Quarters Caged The Whipping Post a line Woods The Week Tibet Three story apartment house A drop of water The Last Page The Chandelier Cyberhutch within the looking glass alley Boathouse Boathouse Death's_Door Goat Pen The far north. Collapsed Subway Station Deep Sewer Inside the Box Athene Athene Sewer Sewer Den of Inequity Sewer riverden Gardening At Night FunLand stanza Kitchenette SunRay's Home Woodland Millebornes Game Promotional Plug a ditch The Velvet Edge Conference Room The Frying Pan Atomic Cafe Bitch Hideaway Acid-Rain-Glow Hut Razor's Edge. Moorishmaiden's mailbox Ancient Oak Tree RK's Place Cognito Helix of Semi-Precious Stones Egg of Inexistence Ein Spelunkhaus |