Drive Way (#170)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by Calkins)

     You are standing on a wide gravel driveway surrounded by shaggy pine trees, branches drip with rainwater. To the north is an imposing mansion of brick and white columns. You are amazed that none of its windows are broken. To the southeast is a brass gate leading to the street. To the west, you see a path leading through an opening in a hedge.

      You see the brass gates and the street. [ southeast ] Brisbain & Broadway. You wonder down the driveway and out through the gates.
      You see an imposing columned mansion with a large walnut double door. [ north ] Entrance Hall. You open the heavy walnut doors and step inside.
      [ west ] Garden. You slip through a gap in the hedge.
      [ taxi ] Taxi.