The Living Room (#335)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by Calkins)

     It is very bright, open, and airy here, with large but broken plate-glass windows looking southward over an empty pool to weed-infested gardens beyond. On the north wall, there is a rough stonework fireplace. The east and west walls are almost completely covered with large, ransacked bookcases. An exit in the northwest corner leads to a burned out area and, in a more northerly direction, to the entrance hall. The door into the coat closet is boarded up, and at the south end is a broken sliding glass door leading out onto a wooden deck.
     On the mantelpiece is a cage containing the skeletal remains of a bird.
      The room seems haunted by ghostly sounds.

      [ north ] The Entrance Hall.

This place has a certain ambiance...
     Paddington bonks Princess_Buttercup. Princess_Buttercup says, "There's something I ought to tell you...I'm not left handed..."
      ************* BOOOOOOOOOOOM!! *************
     Brianna hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggsss theo. theo accepts a *BIG HUG*.
     A huge finger comes down from the sky and points at BlueCanary. A deep voice booms, "D O R K !" The finger dissolves in a shower of light.
     The housekeeper arrives to remove Beige_Guest.
     A purple dinosaur? OH, MY GOD! Dodger has turned into BARNEY!
     The cockatoo wriggles out of the gag. Cockatoo squawks, "Hello, everybody!"
     theo bravely gags the cockatoo, ignoring nipped fingers and frantic squawking.
     Cyndl holds up a BIG sign: | hey bri |
     Suddenly, and without warning, Bloomingdale's emits a enormous sneeze. Huge amounts of mucous membrane, both liquid and solid, are spewn everywhere.
     Wintersong teleports Teal_Guest in.
     Beige_Guest comes out of the closet (so to speak...).
     You see a faint shimmering force wrapping itself around theo and hugging him warmly...
     bagel attempts to walk through the plate-glass windows! Fortunately, they're tougher than that.
     A tiny, seemingly harmless cherrybomb lands on the ground with a echoing thud, bounces across the floor and rolls to a abrupt halt beneath Cyndl's feet. You jump behind a conveniently placed sofa, and wait for the blast.
     The cockatoo wriggles out of the gag. Cockatoo squawks, "thank you Mr Clean"
     BlueCanary is torn asunder by the cherrybomb's destructive power. Tiny globs of gore and what used to be BlueCanary stick to the walls, bodies, and everywhere. GROSS!!!
     theo holds his arm out to W0LFY, taking her by the hand, and leads her through a graceful waltz with all the style of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
     The cuckoo clock begins making a small whirring noise.
     Schenider displays a big ol' silly banner reading:
     Cockatoo squawks, "hello everybody, I'm new"
     You sense the comforting presence of Yellow_Guest as he hugs you tightly in a distant, yet warm embrace...
     Unable to control it any longer, Yellow_Guest lets fly with the most enormous fart. PPhhhppppppprrbbbbbbttt. Aaahhh. A green cloud rises from Yellow_Guest's general direction.
     Evil_Twin is starting to turn green as he grabs his stomach.
     With an awful sound, Evil_Twin vomits all over the floor. It is the most disgusting display of bad ettiquete you have ever seen!