sign (#348)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "NAVIGATING IN VIRTUAL REALITY". Type "read sign".

Go to location of this object, Cave Entrance.
     If you have gotten this far, you've already performed the basic tasks of navigating 
through virtual reality: MOVING and LOOKING.
     When you type "west" (or just "w") to move west, you are actually typing the name 
of an EXIT connecting the ROOM you are in with another room.  Exit names like "northeast", 
"down", "out" are typical, depending on the setting.  What we call a "room" may not 
literally depict a room, but might be a river bank or a chamber in a cave.
     When you enter a room, its description is printed.  You can see it again by typing 
"look". You can also look at a thing or person in the room, for example by typing 
"look red hat".
     Now read sign2, and then continue to the west.  Good luck!