sign (#361)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "PLAYER COMMUNICATION". Type "read sign".

Go to location of this object, Underground Pool.
     In VR, the user is present as a visible and audible object.  When two players meet 
in a room, they can look at each other and speak to each other.  To SAY something 
in a room, type a line of text beginning with a double quote:
             "Hey guys!  What's happening?
     To EMOTE or POSE an action like "Guest suddenly sneezes.", use a colon:
             :suddenly sneezes.
     Try them out, the acoustics in this cavern are superb!  Now, suppose you wanted to 
talk to the player "Calkins", but he wasn't in the room with you.  You could SPEAK 
REMOTELY to him by typing:
             page Calkins Hello there!  I'm enjoying the caves!
     VR mail is explained in sign2.