sign (#365)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "ROOMS". Type "read sign".

Go to location of this object, Underground Maelstrom.
     To make new rooms belonging to you, use the @dig command:
             @dig "Burning Hallway"
             @dig "Smoke-Filled Room"
     For each room you @dig, its object number will be reported (for example #100, #101). 
 You may need to know object numbers, and you can always find them by typing "@audit", 
for a report on the things you own.  A new room is unconnected to anything by exits, 
but you can go to it by teleporting:
             @go #100
     The room can be described by "@describe here as ... " or by "@notedit here".  Be 
sure to include brief cues to where exits will be, like "To the north, a fire escape 
is visible through the window."  Don't make descriptions too long or they will tire 
the user and make it hard to find the exit cues.