sign (#370)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEMS". Type "read sign".

Go to location of this object, Stalactite Chamber.
     On this MUD if a player types "take Red Hat", it is actually the hat itself which 
decides how to react.  Every object can have its own individual response, usually 
to move itself to you.  Such a scheme is called OBJECT ORIENTED, as opposed to operating 
systems where a single, complicated "take" function (e.g. in /usr/bin) must handle 
all types of objects.
     Root --+-- $player -- Useful PC -- Scorpion PC
            +-- $room -- Noisy RC -- Post-Apocalypse RC -- Secure RC
            +-- $thing --+-- Automaton --+-- Street Hustler
                         |               |
                         |               +-- Caveman
                         +-- Boomerang Thing --+-- Edible Object
                         |                     |
                         +-- Light Shield      +-- Miner's Hat
     Objects are created with some parent, and they INHERIT the properties and verbs of 
their ancesters.  So in fact, the "take" verb on the Miner's Hat is inherited from 
its grandparent, $thing.  The hat's ability to fly back to the Cave Entrance is inherited 
from its parent, Boomerang Thing.