North End of the Park (#375)

(an instance of generic room made by legba)

     The road is narrower here. On the south side is a long, stone wall. On the other side of the wall you can see the nutmeg trees from the forest in the park, their spicy-sweet scent mingling with the ambient, bitter scorch of the burning city. On the north side is a row of what was once small shops. While most have been looted beyond recognition, a few seem still to be intact.

      [ west ] The Crossroads.
      Old boards are scattered on the ground in front of a recently renovated storefront. Neatly stenciled across the multi-colored plexiglass window are the words: Park Luncheonette A few old pallets have been nailed together to fill the doorway but are pushed slightly to one side. [ north ] Abandoned Luncheonette.
      The road forks here. This way is straight, lined with tall trees, whose tops appear to have been shorn off. [ south ] Parking Lot.
      [ taxi ] Taxi.
      To the west of a row of shops is a little street running north. [ northwest ] Little St.. You turn and head north into the street.