sign (#394)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "THEME, QUOTA, MANNERS". Type "read sign".

Go to location of this object, Tourist Center.
     Typing 'help theme' will explain the general atmosphere of this MUD, which is postmodern 
science fiction set in the early 21st century.  Players are encouraged to be creative, 
but not create spaces that are jarringly out of context.
     Typing 'help quota' explains how storage is allocated.  Dhalgren runs on a PC with 
32 Mbytes of memory, which means we have to stay somewhat small.  In any case, it 
is always better to produce a few quality places than a lot of bland scenery.
     Typing 'help manners' explains our informal policy about behavior.  Radical artistic 
expression is encouraged, but purposely offending or harassing players and guests 
would be grounds for expulsion.  Enjoy and let others enjoy.