sign2 (#415)

(an instance of generic note made by Calkins)

     A sign titled: "ELECTRONIC MAIL". Type "read sign2".

Go to location of this object, Underground Pool.
     If a player is not logged in, you can send them mail.  For example:
             @send calkins
     The mailer is very similar to the note editor.  Begin a line with " to add a new 
line, and : to append text to a line.  Remember that on MUDs, a paragraph is a single 
line with no carrage return.
     You read your own mail with the @next command.  You can also read (and @send to) 
various community mailing lists.  On Dhalgren, the main community mailing list is 
*graffiti (or just *g).  This is for social issues, project ideas, telling people 
about new generic objects and features, etc.  To start reading it, just type
             @read $ on *graffiti
     From then on, new articles can be read by typing "@nn".