Interzone: Port Of Saints (#606)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by Calkins)

     Crates and piles of heavy rope litter the wharf. Sea water laps underneath, and a boat on the west side of the dock bumps against the wood. The port is crowded on this dry warm day. To the north, a narrow street winds its way into the heart of The City.

      From the dock, a narrow street leads into the heart of Interzone [ north ] Interzone Plaza. You walk north through streets crowded with donkeys, camels, llamas, rickshaws, carts of merchandise. From dark doorways, street hustlers watch with knowing eyes.
      Beside the dock, some smugglers have moored their boat. [ west ] Bellona: Bus Depot. You step onto the boat and pay for passage. You feel sick and are starting to shiver as you pass out. When you awake, Interzone seems like a distant dream.