Television Evangelist (#621)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by Calkins)

     Normally the Christian Broadcasting Network signal is jammed here, but this television is showing it. You see a red-faced man waving a bible and talking about the evils of teenage sexuality and homosexuality and just plain *sexuality*. He shows you pictures of people having sex, and everyone in the TV audience gets real mad looking at them.
     PROFESSOR: "Now here's a man who says he cares about your soul. Hogwash, he's an alpha male and he wants your women! The thought of all these people having sex without his permission is driving him crazy. It's driving the audience crazy too. They're reacting to ancient *animal* urges to harass anyone else who tries to mate."
     A sign points west.

      [ west ] Interzone Plaza. The lession ends and the students disperse into the plaza.