II. The Door Of The Occult Sanctuary (#632)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by Calkins)

     You see a woman seated on the threshold of the temple of Isis, between two columns. The column on her right is red; this signifies purity of spirit. The column on her left is black, and represents the night of chaos, the impure spirit's captivity in the bonds of material things. The woman is crowned by a tiara surmounted by a screscent moon covered by a veil whose folds fall over her face. She wears on her breast the solar cross nad carries on her knees an open book which she half covers with her cloak. This symbolic figure personifies occult science waiting for the initiate on the threshold of the sanctuary of Isis to communicate to him nature's secrets. The solar cross signifies the fecundation of matter by spirit; it expresses also, as the seal of the infinite, the fact that knowledge proceeds from God, and is, like its Source, without bounds. The veil enveloping the tiara and falling over the face means that truth hides itself from the sight of profane curiosity. The book half-hidden by the cloak signifies that the mysteries reveal themselves only in solitude to the wise man who wraps himself inthe cloak of silent meditation.
     (proceed north)

      [ north ] III. Isis-Urania.