Consumable Storage Room (#801)(an instance of generic room made by Dred)     It looks somewhat like a crazy bar with kitchen elements in it as well. There are lots and lots of shelves, nooks, crannies, and tables for storing all sorts of consumable objects. You see Generic Consumable I, Generic Drink Object, Generic Drug Object and big glass of Self here. VERB SOURCE CODE: is_unlocked_for: return $object_utils:isa(args[1], this.consumable_root); . available: if (((caller != this.consumable_root) && (caller != this.drinkable_root)) && (caller != this.drug_root)) return E_PERM; endif contents = $set_utils:diff(this.contents, {this.consumable_root, this.drinkable_root, this.drug_root}); if (contents) for cons in (contents) if (caller == this.drinkable_root) if ($object_utils:isa(cons, this.drinkable_root)) return cons; endif elseif (caller == this.drug_root) if ($object_utils:isa(cons, this.drug_root)) return cons; endif else if (!$object_utils:isa(cons, this.drinkable_root)) return cons; endif endif endfor return #-1; else return #-1; endif . PROPERTY DATA:       consumable_root       drinkable_root       drug_root |