Dying Moon Carnival (#919)

(an instance of Generic Post-Apocalypse Room made by melusina)

     As you step onto the moldy sawdust that covers the ground of the main strip of the Dying Moon Carnival, you enter a world of faded magic and exposed seams. A ghostly breeze whistles through the gashes in the canvas of the tattered tents, rattling the ancient strings of colored lights and ragged streamers looped over the lane. Despite the evident decay, the carnival still seems to be open for business. To the east, past a decrepit gate, you hear the music of what might be a carousel. On the other side of the lane, slightly to the north, stands a faded tent bearing a sign whose peeling gilt letters proclaim that within is the House of Freaks. Behind the House of Freaks, slightly to the south, you see what might be a small building of some sort. It's midday, and the bleak afternoon light shines unforgivingly upon the disuse and decay around you. A dreary almost-rain is falling from the sky. You feel uncomfortably damp, more clammy than wet.

After checking to make sure the coast is clear, you gingerly reach into the spinning inner chamber of the cotton candy machine and grab a bit of sugar fluff.
You are holding cotton candy.

You see cotton candy machine here.

      [ east ] The Whirligig. You gingerly push open the decrepit gate, wincing at the agonized groan which it emits as it reluctantly swings on rusty hinges. It slowly creaks shut behind you as you find yourself facing The Whirligig.
      [ northwest ] The House of Freaks. You cautiously pull aside the dusty tent flap of The House of Freaks and, squinting into the darkness, step inside.
      You see an ominous black building looming in the distance. [ north ] Stone Building.
      The corner of a battered prefab storage shed is visible behind the House of Freaks. [ west ] Le Cafe' Fetish. You struggle with the door of the shed, finally forcing it open on its complaining, misaligned hinges.