Little St. (#956)

(an instance of generic room made by Marcus)

     You are in a narrow street, almost an alley, lined
      mainly with warehouses and old buildings formerly
      mills and sweatshops. To the west is an empty lot
      open to the sky. Also on that side of the street,
      at the southern end, is an iron gate. You can see
      larger roads to the north and south.

You see a garage door here.

      [ lot ] Empty Lot. You go around a fence and into an...
      [ south ] North End of the Park.
      At the southwest corner of the street a big iron gate stands open. Through it you can see an overgrown grassy area. [ gate ] Little Park. You go through the gate and enter a weedy, grassy area.
      [ north ] East Jackson.
      [ east ] Beside a Large Building.