Under the Ruins (#1042)

(an instance of generic room made by kp)

     Scattered light skimpers into this small dry space formed by the slanting shapes of broken concrete slabs and iron bars from the ruins above. The floor is covered by the remnants of large hardwood doors, the kind that could have been the entrance to a church or a government building of some sort. The walls, falling inwards and outwards, have been decorated with the blue and black of tar and oil from the bits of pavement lying around the room. Outlines and line drawings of androgynous figures in dancing poses have been formed in a circle around each wall.

You see broken pieces of stained glass, big steel barrel, little yellow bucket and kp here.

      [ up ] Square of Ruins. You climb the ladder and leave through the hole in the ceiling.


return listappend(pass(@args), #1220:is_unlocked_for(player) ? "A steel ladder leads 
up to an open trapdoor in the ceiling." | "A steel ladder leads up the south wall 
but there seems to be no exit above it.");