West Corner of The Park (#1334)

(an instance of generic room made by Sadao)

     This corner of the Park has a few shrubs and bushes. The main feature is a huge wooden bandstand, painted white, and surrounded by a roughly fan-shaped arrangement of wooden folding chairs, for furries to sit upon while listening to the band or just chatting. The lawn slopes down to the shore of the pond, which is to the east.
     The Park spreads to the north and south. There are trees to either of those directions, the southern part having thicker woods with a narrow trail meandering into them. To the west, you can see pavement and make out some movement; you are looking at Cougar Boulevard. You can also see a narrow gap between the side of the bandstand and the ground, letting onto darkness.

      [ north ] North Corner of The Park.
      [ south ] South Corner of The Park.
      [ east ] In the Pond.