TransPort Lobby (#1623)

(an instance of generic room made by Wizard)

     A crowd of people streams across the room to the south and east TransPorts, the escalators to the upper and lower levels, and occasionally the office to the west. A video directory sits on a pedestal in the center of the chamber.

      The crowd blocks your view of the town square outside the dark glass doors to the north. [ north ] Town Square. You push your way north through the crowd to the glass doors, which slide open obligingly as you exit.
      An escalator descends to the Sea/Subterranean TransPort. [ down ] Sea/Subterranean TransPort. You wait your turn, then ride the escalator down.
      An escalator ascends to the Aerospace TransPort. [ up ] Aerospace TransPort. You wait your turn, then ride the escalator up.
      The TransPort office lies beyond the crowd to the west. [ west ] TransPort Office. You push your way west through the crowd.
      The Interdimensional TransPort lies beyond the crowd to the east. [ east ] Interdimensional TransPort. You push your way east through the crowd.
      The Monorail TransPort lies beyond the crowd to the south. [ south ] Monorail TransPort. You push your way through the crowds and find yourself in a slightly less crowded TransPort.