Harv's Bargain Basement (#1768)

(an instance of generic room made by Wizard)

     This place seems to have been, at one time, a store or trading post. A counter lies along the floor on the southern half of the room, and empty shelves line the walls. Various forms of debris line the floor, and a large scaffold sits by the west wall. A narrow doorway leads steeply north, back to the temple proper. A few torches mounted high on the walls keep the room alight.

      [ shelf ] Dark Tunnel. You move the shelf; a secret passage opens up in the wall and, confidently, you step through.
      This thin stairway to the north climbs rather steeply. [ out ] Sacrificial Pit. You climb back up the stairway, returning to the temple.
      This scaffolding, used by the workers to reach the ceiling and high walls, appears deserted now, though sturdy. [ scaffold ] Atop the Scaffold. You easily climb the scaffolding toward the dark ceiling above.