Under the Bridge (#1861)

(an instance of generic room made by Wizard)

     A very shallow outlet of the duck pond flows under the bridge here. Fortunately, you are kept company in this slippery rockslide by a fairly pretty mermaid, who is cheating, and wearing a t-shirt.

      There's a large crowd up on the bridge above you. [ up ] Crowded Wooden Bridge. You climb the rocks back to the bridge.
      Ducks swim gracefully about the duck pond, which is crystal clear. Unfortunately it looks like the slope is slippery enough to make feeding the ducks a risky proposition. [ water ] here.
      The local mermaid-for-a-day is wearing a t-shirt and an artificial fish tail made out of sequins; the fish tail glitters brightly green at you. She smiles as she catches you ooking at her. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a public fair! [ mermaid ] here.