Southern Fairgrounds (#1874)

(an instance of generic room made by Wizard)

     This is a very atmospheric clearing, though the people crowding about tend to ruin the effect. A circle of gypsy wagons is drawn up on one side of the clearing, and a fire is blazing away though it is still bright mid-day; you can smell the aromatic smells of meat cooking. The ruins of the castle are farther south.

      [ north ] Central Fairgrounds. You brush through the crowds and find yourself once again back in the central fairgrounds, somewhere in the circle around the strange jester.
      The ruins of the castle are still fairly stable and well-built; you can see glimpses of the role players wandering about. The SCA flag waves bravely over the parapet. [ south ] here.
      The gypsy wagons are colorful and bright antiques, as if they were preserved from the old days; the gypsies are in full regalia, laughing and swinging in dance circles about the camp fire. [ gypsies ] here.
      She is dressed in period costume with a bandanna on her head, a crystal globe on a table, and a plain dress, but the amulet on her necklace seems very well designed and crafted, out of place with her evident poverty. [ fortune ] here.