Northern Fairgrounds (#1894)

(an instance of generic room made by Wizard)

     This is a wide area of grass, busily being trampled down by the crowd of people here. Right in front of you, you see the SCA fighters practicing their martial arts, demonstrating quick and precise manuevers with foil and shields; around other edges of the meadows are craftsmanship demonstrations.

      Back through the crowd leads to the central fairgrounds, a random medley of all sorts of interesting things. [ south ] Central Fairgrounds. You brush through the crowds and find yourself once again back in the central fairgrounds, somewhere in the circle around the strange jester.
      The fighters spin and dodge with amazing dexterity, even though the armor they have on has to weigh lots. One of them executes a thundering shield bash and takes advantage of the other's disorientation to send a scoring blow to his helmet! A judge blows a whistle and the loser is sent to the stands to recuperate. [ sca ] here.