Gardening At Night (#2571)

(an instance of generic room made by Eclipse)

     This is a smallish garden, surrounded on all four sides by the high stone walls of the cathedral. To one side, you see a rake, a hoe, and a small wheelbarrow.
     The plants, herbs, shrubs, and weeds that grow here threaten to overtake the massive walls, climbing high above your head. The overgrowth hides the paths through the garden that might once have been visible.
     Barely visible under bushes and within plants are various stone statues, ranging from the tiny to the life-size, of faries, elves, humans, and different animals. The moonlight that is the garden's only source of light makes these statues seem almost life-like, and the whole garden seems to have a feeling of being between worlds.

You see Eclipse here.

      A battered wooden door lacking a doorknob seems to be the only exit from the garden. [ south ] Stair Landing. You manage to pry the door to the south open, and you exit thought it.