Ancient Oak Tree (#2667)

(an instance of generic room made by Pagen)

     You see before you a vast tree, one that has been here since time first bacame. Its bark is old and weathered, holding scars and gashes, new and old alike, that are testimony to its will to survive whatever the world cares to throw at you walk closer, you notice rough hewn steps carved into the trunk, so ingenously done that only the shift in the light revealed them to you...feeling adventurous, you start to climb...and climb...and climb...After what seemed like hours going round and round the huge circumfrence of the tree, youreach a landing with door enter....I bid you welcome to the home of see before you a round chamber made mostly of intertwined boughs and leaves...beems of light enter through the cracks illuminating the jeweled green moss carpet and amber colored pillows. Know that this place holds serenity like none you have ever experienced before, peacefullness as can be found only in places that revere life, nature and the gods...

You see Pagen here.